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~~NEW~~ 2023香港地區大眾對「失語症」認識的調查
📚📚2022年,我們在香港首次進行了一項有關失語症認知度的公眾調查。在2023年我們進行了一項後續調查,共收集了來自香港地區共143名18歲及以上受訪者的資料。 主要發現 1: 77%的受訪者聽說過「失語症」。 主要發現 2: 47%的受訪者表示聽說過「失語症」,並能將其識別為語言障礙。 主要發現 3: 92%的受訪者人能夠將中風與腦損傷以及溝通困難相聯繫。 主要發現 4: 50%的受訪者在過去一年聽過或看過1-3次「失語症」。 如欲了解更多詳情,請瀏覽此網站 。 🎓🎓 此項研究已經香港大學研究操守委員會審查和批核(參考編號:EA220192) 🎓🎓
Fact Check: Does Covid-19 vaccine cause aphasia?
After the news of Bruce Willis diagnosed with aphasia spread like a wildfire, several social media users have referred to a (2021) published case study to claim covid-19 vaccine causes aphasia. The THiP fact-checked and found the claim to be False. A 2021 review article titled “COVID-19 and Aphasia”, together with others, was quoted in this fact-check. See more details below: Fact Check: Does Covid-19 vaccine cause aphasia? 11 April, 2022
Aphasia: what it is, how it happens and how to help those suffering from it and related conditions
Few people had heard of aphasia until Hollywood star Bruce Willis announced he was ending his acting career because of it June is Aphasia Awareness Month and an aphasia support group has tips for sufferers and their carers to help reopen the lines of communication https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/health-wellness/article/3182057/aphasia-what-it-how-it-happens-and-how-help-those 20 Jun, 2022