• ART Lab,  Research

    ~~~NEW!!!~~~ An update on Hong Kong Cantonese version of Comprehensive Aphasia Test

    The Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT), a standardized battery with 34 subtests, has been adapted into eight different languages, with other 11 language adaptations close to being finished. Currently, there are no published CAT adaptations in any Asian languages. Given the paucity of aphasia batteries geared specifically to the Chinese population (Cantonese speakers in Hong Kong, in particular), there is a clinical value in adapting a Cantonese version (i.e., Cant-CAT). A update on the current validation of Cant-CAT can be found here.

  • ART Lab

    ART Lab Student Internship (2024-25)

    We are now recruiting student experimenter to work with the ART lab research team. Candidates shall be: Cantonese speakers Major in Speech Language Pathology Passionate in aphasia or neuroscience research (no prior knowledge in neuroscience is required) Hours requirement: Student Interns: 30 days in total Work schedule: At least 1 full day per week (flexible) Students from ALL universities are welcome to apply however priorities will be given to current HKU students. If you have further questions about the role, please contact Mr. Chester Cheung at chescyn@connect.hku.hk.

  • ART Lab

    A new textbook on spoken discourse impairments

    A new comprehensive volume on spoken discourse impairments is recently published. This text provides balanced and easily readable chapters on discourse production in patients with neurogenic disorders. It includes coverage of basic principles and historical perspective, and covers evidenced-based training strategies, interventions, and treatment programs.   Spoken Discourse Impairments in the Neurogenic Populations eBook ISBN: 978-3-031-45190-4 Print ISBN: 978-3-031-45189-8

  • ART Lab,  On the news


    📚📚2022年,我們在香港首次進行了一項有關失語症認知度的公眾調查。在2023年我們進行了一項後續調查,共收集了來自香港地區共143名18歲及以上受訪者的資料。   主要發現 1:    77%的受訪者聽說過「失語症」。 主要發現 2:   47%的受訪者表示聽說過「失語症」,並能將其識別為語言障礙。 主要發現 3:    92%的受訪者人能夠將中風與腦損傷以及溝通困難相聯繫。 主要發現 4:   50%的受訪者在過去一年聽過或看過1-3次「失語症」。   如欲了解更多詳情,請瀏覽此網站 。 🎓🎓 此項研究已經香港大學研究操守委員會審查和批核(參考編號:EA220192) 🎓🎓

  • ART Lab,  Research


    研究目的: 本研究旨在探究一種新型的非入侵性的腦刺激療法——經顱交流電刺激治療(Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation或TACS)對中風後慢性失語症患者的療效。我們希望透過腦電圖素描了解失語症患者的腦神經結構, 以定制個人化的腦刺激治療方案。 招募對象:  中風後失語症患者: – 中風次數不多於一次 – 中風後至少6個月 – (中風前)慣用手為右手 – 18-70歲 – 母語為廣東話的香港居民 – 無任何精神科或腦神經疾病(除中風外) 健康人士: – 40-70歲 – 慣用手為右手 – 母語為廣東話的香港居民 – 無任何精神科或腦神經疾病

  • Research

    Writing impairments in stroke patients

    A new study that aims to find out the cognitive features contributing to stroke-induced writing impairments  in two different writing systems – Chinese (logographic) vs. English (phonological) – has been published on COGNITIVE COMPUTATION. This study reveals that constructive praxis is more relevant to impairment classification in characters-based writing (Chinese), while phonological abilities are important features for impairment prediction in alphabetic writing (English). The full article can be found here.

  • Research

    Pragmatic competence of discourse in traumatic brain injury

    A new study examining how pragmatic competence is impaired in Chinese speakers with traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been published on BRAIN IMPAIRMENT. This study suggested that applying Gricean maxims in monologic oral narratives can capture the hallmark underlying pragmatic problems in TBI. This can be an additional approach to clinically assess social communications in TBI and its subsequent management. The full article can be found here.

  • Research

    粵語版失語症測試(Cant-CAT2) 標準化研究

    香港失語症患者的粵語版失語症測試(Cant-CAT2) 標準化研究 我們誠意邀請符合以下條件的人士參與是次研究: 18歲或以上失語症患者 中風後至少6個月 您將被邀請參與以下評估: 簡單問卷 認知測試 (如: 記憶測試、算術測試、物件運用等) 失語症測試 (如: 理解測試、命名測試、看圖說話、閱讀及 書寫測試等) ** 此研究已通過香港大學教育學研究倫理委員會批准 ** 參加者可在完成評估後獲得評估結果簡報