What is aphasia?


  • 失語症指由於控制語言的腦部組織受損,使患者喪失了原本的語言能力,包括聆聽理解、說話表達、閱讀或書寫能力上出現不同程度的障礙。
  • 失語症的常見成因包括中風、頭部創傷和腦腫瘤等。
  • 失語症患者因為左腦部損傷的部位、範圍和受損程度不同,所以語言功能受損的程度亦不盡相同。
  • 失語症大致可分為兩個類別:流暢型及非流暢型。


What is Aphasia?

  • Aphasia is an acquired impairment of language, affecting the understanding and production of language, and the ability to read and/or write.
  • Aphasia can be caused by brain injury to the language area in the left hemisphere, such as a stroke, head trauma, or brain tumor.
  • The severity and degree of the language impairment depend on the area of the brain affected and the extent of damage.
  • There are two major types of aphasia: fluent aphasia and non-fluent aphasia.


We Care Channel Speech Therapy:



National Aphasia Association (https://www.aphasia.org/)



The Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (https://www.aphasiatrials.org/)



香港言語治療師協會: 失語症3分鐘Fact Sheet



The Asian Pacific Islander Speech-Language-Hearing Caucus (APISLH Caucus): Information about assessment and intervention in the Cantonese language (https://apislhc.org/information-about-the-cantonese-language/)



最佳治療及管理失語症的建議 Best Practice Recommendations of Aphasia (https://www.aphasiatrials.org/multilingual-information-sheets/)




與腦傷患者交流守則 (http://www.braindamaged.org.hk/peer.html)





轉載<<香港復康會>> 2022年第4季季刊有關中風與失語症的分享。

